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VICTORIA was born in Varna, Bulgaria and shows great love and support for her home city. However, she finds her inspiration and creative energy in Bulgaria’s capital - Sofia!


Creative energy.

Sofia’s bustling life and abundant cultural events, happenings, and initiatives carry with them a certain air of imagination, which has and will continue to inspire new generations of artists and creators. VICTORIA has found herself an environment in which she feels she is able to express herself and create art to be enjoyed by listeners worldwide!

Creative hub.

Sofia City has endeared itself to the artist-performer VICTORIA. She has many favorite spots around the city such as the park in front of the National Theater, the National Palace of Culture, as well as other more “hidden-gem” type locations.

Of specific importance to her work process is Sofia’s creative hub - MISSIA23, which is right in the heart of the city center!

Creative city!

We encourage all who follow VICTORIA’s art to come visit Sofia to share the inspiration of the young artists and experience it for yourselves!

We encourage you to learn more about Sofia at


brought to you with the support of